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Old February 8th 04, 02:50 AM
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N8KDV wrote:

tommyknocker wrote:

I heard last night (on SW) that rebels have "captured" the city of
Gonaives, Haiti's fourth largest (and the place where Haiti's
independence was declared 200 years ago). REE said that the rebels were
close to taking control of Cap Haitien (sp?), Haiti's second largest
city, as well. It looks like Aristide is going down. Has anybody heard
anything more today? (I haven't been near my radio yet today.)

That place was a total mess when I was in Port-au-Prince in the '70's.
Absolute poverty. I doubt if it's ever gotten better.

I once heard that St. Dominigue (the island comprising Haiti and the
Dominican Republic) was France's richest colony until the slaves
rebelled. Napoleon tried to retake it but his army was wiped out by
yellow fever and retreated to the eastern half of the island, which was
eventually handed off to Spain which is why they speak Spanish in the
Dominican Republic and French (well, Creole) in Haiti. I say that if
L'Overture hadn't been captured that Haiti would be in much better shape
today. From what I've read, the guy was a genius, the equivalent of
George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.

There used to be some shortwave out of Haiti, but no more.

I'll try Radio Havana, they're probably as close as you can get on SW.

Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B