You may be interested in the Grundig S350 "Super Radio"
{ Tecsun BCL-2000 } eGroup on YAHOO !
yilgr ~ RHF
= = = "Karl Graff"
= = = wrote in message ...
The BCL-2000 is a great radio for the price! It has nice features, but it is
a great performing dxer. I just got mine yeaterday, and I compared it side
by side with my dx-440. It blew the 440 away. It was receiving stations that
didn't even bump the meter on the 440!
I clearly heard Radio Vietnam last night, and a ton of other stations that I
had never knew existed before. I live in the upper midwest and am looking
forward to having a lot of fun with this radio. Even my wife, no sw fan at
all, loved it and showed some interest.
Great radio for under $60!
"McMansion" wrote in message
I'm looking for opinions from people who have bought either the Tecsun
BCL-200 or the PL-200 radios. There are only a few (mostly very
positive) reviews of these on the web; but you can never tell how
"interested" these few reviews are ...
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