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  #31   Report Post  
Old February 10th 04, 06:34 PM
Posts: n/a

MWB - To Paraphase You:

"Aren't I lucky to receive your grammar lesson? Never claimed
to have perfect grammar. But you failed to respond to my
observation that my grammar and spelling are good enough to
convey what I mean or that the people I was responding to were
using far less correct grammar and spelling. And we all know
that "MWB" never displays a superior or arrogant tone, right?

"Yes MWB" is never superior and never uses imprfect grammar, right?

And receiving your little lesson, as you called us a "imprfect,"
'IS' particularly humorous.

Just For The Fun Of It ~ RHF
[ No Malice -or- Forethought :]
= = = ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...

MWB - You Would Honor Me With A "PLONK" ~ RHF
{ And Please NO More Posting To My Private eMail Box. }

Then stop responding to my posts with your eye poetry. And no one can post to
your current address, right? Another "staged" complaint.

No plonk for you, RHF. Thanks for helping me understand the hidden objective
behind your verbal spewing.
