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Old February 11th 04, 04:50 AM
Light of the Moon
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Default Are Liberty Net & Patriot Net liberal Dems??

"Ray O'Sunshine" wrote in message

Wow! Sure is quiet on 3950 Sat. nights. Back when they were bashing

you couldn't stop those Dems from jamming! But now that they've gone after

every Sat. night, the Dems are letting them bash away!

More likely the "swl's" have grown bored hearing the
same old farts talking about the same old crap week
after week.

The Eastern Regional Patriots Net tonight had an interesting outburst from
"Possum Jim". Seems he "HATES Republicans" and admits to being a Democrat.

confronted about his support for the party of baby killers and how that
conflicts with his Christian Identity roots, he about had a fit! (And so

did his
pals!) Seems the support for the Dems and Clinton was MUCH more apparent

than I
had imagined!

The ERPN? What are they, another redundant collection
of malcontented old farts who bitch and moan on a ham radio?
When are they on the air? Sounds like fun listening.

You know, many years back, before Rush started downing the pain killers,

he had
a thing called "The Kook Test". It offended many conservatives. He tried

tell us all then that the people in the militia and patriot movements were

conservatives, were NOT Republicans, and that if we stuck with those

we'd soon find out someday. (And he left it at that.)

All that the militialoons are is a bunch of angry
old white poebuckers who like to blame others
for their troubles. Instead of worrying about the
"new world order" these turnip-truck drivers
should look their problem right in the mirror
in the morning.

Boy! Is Rush right again! The militia/patriot/conspiracy theory guys and

seem MUCH more deeply rooted in the Democratic Party than I ever imagined!

certainly more slanted to the left!

You mean 2 say that Alex Jones will likely vote for John Kerry..??
Well put me in a red robe worshipin in front to a 50' owl!! (rotflmao)