(OT ) Sen. John
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February 12th 04, 05:10 AM
Posts: n/a
wrote ...
- Anyone know someone who's job was " Offshored " ??
Tech support for Dell, IBM, HP, AOL; AP/AR call center for General
Electric Capital Corp., gone to India. (GE is employing speech
therapists to teach the Indian workers to speak English with an
"American" accent.)
Most consumer electronics to the Pacific Rim.
Lots of textiles to Bangladesh. (Including the 5,500 jobs that were
just lost in North Carolina the past few months when PilowTex closed
all their plants.)
Rumors going around that Wal-Mart is China's biggest trade partner. I
can't confirm it, but from what I see for sale in Wal-Mart lately, I
wouldn't be surprised.
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