Thread: (OT ) Sen. John
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Old February 12th 04, 07:30 AM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a

LW wrote:

(Michael Bryant) wrote ...

Did you see the Bush aide in the news today bragging that increased
outsourcing is just another sign that Bush is taking the economy in
the right direction?

Didn't see it, Professor. But any more I reluctantly admit I believe

If I don't have a job by election day, my beloved Republican party can
kiss my vote good-bye. And if they think I'm the only one making that
promise, they're in for a rude awakening.

Lots of people complain about jobs going overseas, but look how many
people in this thread are still using AOL even though they know AOL has
moved customer service to India.

You can get dial up from a variety of ISP's with call centers in the
USA, for under $10. My dad pays under $7 a month for unlimited access.

If you want the US economy to improve, you can help by adjusting your
purchases to favor goods and services from the USA.

How many of us can say most of our radios were made in the USA?