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Old February 14th 04, 09:13 AM
Posts: n/a

I listened to Channel Africa on 15.265mhz yesterday, February 12, 2004 from
1800 to 1954 UTC

I am relatively new to shortwave so this would be my first real long catch.

After what seems like eons listening to static and fading signals it would
very satisfying if this is the real McCoy.

Congratualtions Neil, sounds like the *real McCoy*, I know you have to be
happy, you won't forget it, no doubt. some more and then take that knowledge out to your
dial, don't get disgruntled because it's easy (when you're new).....everyone
is so use to instant gratification. This isn't the hobby for 'instant'

Satellite 700 huh? I don't know anything about it, but it did the job and
that's all that matters. Good job and congrats are in order for your first
*Big Catch.* :-D