(OT) Morning Wonderful Group.
What a Great Family,
As we all sit around the breakfast table this morning I smile, each
sitting at his place still pocking the other and just trying to get a
little attention for him self.
When someone ask a real question each person gives a real, great and
helpful answer then it right back to the little in fights that always go
on in the "family".
Some "trolls" are very obvious and some are "very discreet" but each of
us in our own way is a troll.
If we really didn't want to read this off topic stuff we would never
open it, it's that simple. So if we open it then we want to be part of
the great BS group in the net world.
It's a little sad that some people have to be rude, use bad words and
"try" to hurt others for no reason but, just let someone need help or
ask a question and everyone helps.