DX-342 or DX-351, or Grundig Miniworld 100
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February 14th 04, 07:38 PM
Posts: n/a
On 13 Feb 2004 19:19:06 -0800,
(Bob) wrote:
I haven't used the Grundig Mini but I have used the other two. If
small size is important, eg. you want to carry it in a shirt pocket,
then the DX 342 is not a bad radio. I have had one for more than 10
years and use it from time to time. The band selector slider is
getting quite loose.
I liked the DX 351 better but unfortunately it was destroyed when
a large heavy book landed on it. If prices are the same then I would
go for the DX 351.
By the way, these radios have been out of the catelog for many
years now. Your RS store must be well off the beaten path.
Actually, the RS store I am looking at is brand new, just opened
before Xmas. The thing is, it seems when these older radios appear,
they are almost always returns, as was the case with my DX-392, with
leaking batteries, and frequencies programmed in. But the clerk swore
up and down it was brand new. Oh yeah, the lock button was snapped
Cheers, jay
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