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  #3   Report Post  
Old February 15th 04, 06:27 AM
Posts: n/a

I've found it's not" great "for walking around in the daytime;
Signal fades & overloads; have to keep moving it around whilst walking for
optimum reception;
may try a longer antenna
- STILL it can pick up radio Australia on it & BBC 12.095 from Ascension
( Off the African Coast) & canada SW stations;
- Heck , Whaddayawant from a $15 raddio ??

In article , "snow"

I just ordered a JWIN-14 digital off Amazon just under $13 (I had a $5
coupon), included ship. I figured for that price I can't go wrong too much.
I was curious if anyone has this radio and their opinions on its
performance. Is it sensitive enough to receive stations like Radio
Australia, or just the big ones like VOA? Radio Australia is usually strong
here on my Icom 735 early in mornings so I figure I got a shot at receiving
it even on the JWIN. Any comments appreciated.