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Old February 16th 04, 09:22 AM
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Default Okay,'s what I did!!!

Okay,first thank you for your here is why I had to rush into
It was my dad's 80th Birthday.I promised him I would get and setup for
hm at his home a SW radio during our family Christmas party.My god how
the booze flowed and before you know it,I promised this, and then
yesterday morning my wife reminded me of my promise,which I felt should
be fulfilled yesterday,his birthday.......

So,I bought a Grundig 400 at Radio Shack for $110.00.The reason it was
so cheap is beause I am a morning drive talk/rock/ dj on "96.5 The
Mountain"-wdod fm Chattanooga,Tn.,and we have a long standing
relationship with a radio shack which is two locks away from our
I got the radio,bought a bunch of magnetic wire,took it over and told
him I would start studying the best antenna to build.
Any thoughts on this????
Also,where do I go to print out a programming list in English for
News/Talk-contoversial political topics?
Thank you guys again....I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the
input I saw yesterday when I got back.
I am on the air from 5:30-10am EST and I can check my e-mail there at
the station during those hours
(jason is my partner on the radio..I am not gay ha ha).....