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Old February 19th 04, 02:47 PM
Big Johnson
Posts: n/a

ojunk (Michael Bryant) wrote:

If you read the news story that was printed in the WSU Sign Post
online News Paper. The 'arrest' came about during a WSU sponsored
event: MWB was on the Job at a Student Event.

Had MWB simply been 'doing-his-thing' at home alone or
with friends; most likely there would have been "No Problem".


This is your most pathetic post yet blaming the arrest on the prosecutor
and president Bush no less. I also noticed you are calling the event an
"Arrest." You denied that it was an arrest in past posts.

You are simply amazing Bryant.

WOW!!! I'm glad I booted this whacko, MW "Anita" Bryant, off my
SATELLIT 800 group when I did.
I don't read the Usenets very much at all...but I was told about Anita
Bryant sniveling because I kicked him off the Sat800 list and some
crap about "censorship". So I thought I would siffed thru the debris
of Usenet and see what I could find.

What I found was MW "Anita" Bryant buried in the center of all this
hash...(no pun intended on his drug abuse issues)...and it only
validates my choice to kick him off the Sat800 list. Anita appears to
spread & promote nothing but discontentment wherever he goes...and
that IS really sad.

I don't join these Usenets very often because they're too much of a
gossip column...and I spend enough time, as it is, censoring members
on my Yahoo groups. ;^) I better get back there, someone might be
posting something I disagree with...gotta get in there and delete the
message before someone else sees it. I'll continue to keep my kids out
of the public education system as long as people like MW "Anita"
Bryant are indocrinating our youth and teachers...while passing the

I doubt if I'll be back to see what happens here, but I'm sure it'll
get HOT in here real soon! LOL!!!

JJ...the terrible one