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Old February 21st 04, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Burr wrote:

Unless I get a call to work I am going home tomorrow. That means I have
to get the tinfoil out and make a new hat (shiny side out) so I can
cross the desert safely.
You have to be very careful at night in the desert or strange things
start to happen. With the hat you can watch the lights flashing and not
hear the voices trying to get in your brain and get you to run with the
wind. Two times I have had "out of body" experiences where I watched the
"rays" bouncing off my strong shiny hat and slamming into rocks where
they scared and burned the rocks.
I also make a little hat for Charlie the wonder dog, I cut little vents
for his ears to hang out in the breeze. His hat blew off one night on
the way home and he sleep for two days with his little body flinching
and making little sounds.
Remember, we are in the last quarter of the moon and the new moon
starts the 20th, very bad time for body invaders! If you set your radio
just off 11895hz you can hear the ships signaling each other as they
swoop across the desert looking for bear heads.

Don't be fooled by inferior quality aluminum foil for your "tinfoil"
hats. Only genuine tinfoil has the shielding properties required to
block Zeta rays. I can get real tinfoil in 100-ft x 3-ft wide roles for
about $250. That should make about 100-hats. That's less than a dollar
per hat. Get some friends to share the cost of a role. I will include
the plans for some of the most effective tinfoil hat designs. I'll be
taking orders on my new website in a few days. Stay tuned.

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