Sangean DT-200V is overrated
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February 21st 04, 10:34 AM
Posts: n/a
The Sangean DT-200V is my Pocket Radio for my Fishing Vest for
up in the Mountains and Down in the Valleys where the Rivers flow.
The Sangean DT-200V brings in the AM/MW Signals, which other
radios just don't seem to hear.
Is the Sangean DT-200V over priced at $60 ? YES ! But if you want
AM/MW Reception in difficult and remote locations IMHO the Sangean
DT-200V is worth the price.
jm2cw ~ RHF
= = =
= = = wrote in message om...
(Mike S.) wrote in message ...
In article ,
Joe Blow wrote:
Why do people rave so highly about this portable radio? While I
think it's a good one overall, it is definitely's
about a $30 radio to my mind, considering the *lousy* user interface.
(1) The AM/MW reception is fantastic. I have no other radio that can
null like this one.
(2) The fact that it has a speaker is a plus. Being able to use the
speaker with the earphones still attached is neat.
(3) very good battery life
(4) Robust. Takes a licking and, well you know... My brother has one
and he absolutely abuses the thing (drops, salt water [not
recommended], dirt, etc) still running.
(5) Very very easy to use in the dark, low light conditions
(6) I actually think the mixed up presets is a plus. I have a
combination of AM and FM favorites and I like not having to make
another selection to get to the separate presets. 19 is a weird
number though...wonder how they arrived at that.
(7) Ability to go "mono" on FM to get the weaklings
I have never found a pocket portable that pulls the AM/MW stations
like the DT-200V.
The only things I don't like about it...wish the bottom was flat, not
rounded, so it would stand up easier. Also wish it had a momentary
back light for the display.
I agree $60 is pushing the value envelope. I think I got mine
somewhere on the internet for like $45 and when they closed them out
at Radio Shack for $30. I got two in use and one in reserve for when
(if) one of them craps out.
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