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Old February 22nd 04, 01:18 AM
Jay Heyl
Posts: n/a

In article ,
The 909 is probably the same size as the YB400, so the AM reception will be the
same, I'm guessing. Don't know how the sound compares.

The stock 909 is not going to give you "room-filling" sound. I have one
and generally like it, but the sound is rather lacking if you're more
than a few feet away from the radio or there is significant background
noise in the room. The audio goes into heavy distortion long before the
volume knob hits the stops. has a modified
909 available where they replace the stock speaker and tweak some other
parts of the audio. I've not heard one so I can't say if the sound is
significantly better.

The S350 would be the right one - but analog and no way to store stations.

The sound on the S350 is comparable to the CCR, with maybe a bit better
fidelity. On weak signals I find the volume to be a bit on the low
side. Turning the volume way up doesn't provide booming sound on the
weak stations. I've run mine only from rechargeable batteries; it could
be it sounds better run from the mains.

I'd like a combo of the three...any advice or comparison info would be
appreciated between these three and my YB400. Also - perhaps there's something
out there I'm missing.

You might want to take a look at the Grundig Satellit 800. It's quite a
bit bigger than any of the other radios discussed here -- not something
you're likely to want to drag from room to room -- but it's reported to
be a fairly serious SW receiver with excellent sound quality.

Another option, again without a high degree of portability, would be to
get some small self-powered computer speakers and connect those to one
of the radios you already have.

-- Jay