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  #15   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 04, 10:31 PM
Volker Tonn
Posts: n/a

oan wrote:

And I apologise from all the members of this group because of this
long off topic conversation I caused.
Regards, Oan

Nothing to apologise for.
Your opinions don't seem to be too far away fom mine.
At least there is nothing but ONE _very_ personally GOD.
And nobody does believe in god the same way than _any_ other human.

So lets get back to our "shortwave buisiness".

NRD-525 with serial interface, PCR-1000 without UT-106, Yaesu FT50-R,
Sony ICF-2001D(2010) w. some mods, AE300 100Khz-2.060Ghz.
And my alltime favourite for program listening: LoweOpta LO-50, a very
early stereo AM-FM-SW receiver with tubes and the "magic eye" in a
wooden cabinet.

Datong FL2 analog audio filter in series with Dierking GD 82NF analog
audio filter in series with Kenwood HiFI-amp with integrated equalizer,
feeding AKG K-240Monitor headphones and decent speakers.

Magloop 18-31Mhz w. remote tuning, Discone 25-1300Mhz
FD-antenna 40.5mtr and 13.8mtr, rain gutter areal app. 150 mtr.

....just listening to some conversation on 4020khz USB in netherlands
