Ken Wilson wrote:
This thread reminds me of my "old days" .
Looking at a QSL from Radio 4VEH Cap-Haitien Haiti. The one that is black &
white and has a childrens choir with a mic top center. It is to me & dated
12-12-1978 at 2305-2330 GMT on 11835 KHZ 25 meters. Signed by Edna Beachy.
I'm sure many of you have a card just like it.
I have that card too....except I heard the station in early 1979. The
card came in the mail much later, around September 1979 if I recall
Also in late 1979, I read in the "Sweden Calling DX-ers" newsletter
(remember those?) that the Haitian Goverment had made up some new rule
preventing 4VEH from using the shortwave bands (they still could use
the "tropical" bands though). They disappeared from 11835 around the
start of 1980, and moved down to a couple of tropical band frequencies.
I don't know how long they used them, but they're not there now....
4VEH also experimented with a special antenna to enhance skywave
transmission. This was on 1595(?) kHz. Lasted about a year or so.
Heck I don't even fool with QSL's anymore. Seems like it would cost a
fortune & I dx for my enjoyment. Not to try to wow others.
When I first got my Amateur license again.....12/18/98 .... working &
verifiy my first 100 countries was a BIG deal for me. Heck it took me almost
7 months. Then I got into contesting & found I could easily work 100
countries in one weekend .
I guess that is one reason I don't fool with QSL's.
73, Ken KG4BIG
N8KDV wrote in message
Emile wrote:
Hi folks! does anyone have the frequency for any short-wave english
stations in haiti? or how about any such stations on the internet?
Hi Emile, try a Google search for "Haiti Radio". You might find something
there to your liking.
As far as I know there is nothing on shortwave out of Haiti at the moment.
Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B