Thread: SW - Radios
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Old February 26th 04, 03:54 AM
kamalakar pasupuleti
Posts: n/a

(Diverd4777) wrote in message ...
The FR-200 is a single reduction set, you need something more sophisticated for
real DX'ing..

Try the Sony 7600GR.

or this one...


- BTW, what kind of external antenna are you using; that is 55% of a Shortwave


A million thanks to you Dan for your help in finding a
dual convrsion digital sw radio . During my student days 1959 - 61 in
India the institute had a Hallicrafters - SX - 100 and was much
impressed with its performance . Later I collected many WW -2
communication receivers like the Bendix - 624 , AN/ARC - 5 etc and
made them operational . Today ny knowledge of digital technology is
definetely lacking and I was totally ignorant that dual conversion
digital sets are available . That's a little btiefing about me .

Coming to the next point at present I am not using any external
antenna and the telescope antenna along with the receiver is the only
source . Pl. suggest if an external antenna would help , if so which
one .

How does Kaito KA 1102 compare with Hallicrafters SX-100
performane wise.

I look forward to your feed back on this matter .

Best regards ,

In article ,
(kamalakar pasupuleti) writes:

I am looking for a sensitive SW radio which can pick up radio stations
from India and Ceylon which normally transmit vintage hindi music . I
have a Grundig
FR - 200 and sometimes I am able to tune India ( Vividh Bharti ) on 31
meters .
I had no success so far with radio ceylon which is on 25 meter band .

I am located at Milwaukee - WI .Can someone suggest me a good
SW radio
which has a good sensitivity and stability . Pl . help .

Regards ,