N8KDV wrote:
Michael "Historical Revisionist and Fabricator" Bryant wrote:
From: nobody
Funny how you chose to leave Clinton's involvement out of the whole
Though Clinton signed it into law, NAFTA was primarily negotiated by
Republicans. Republicans passed it for Clinton to sign. Bush and Reagan were
responsible for over 95% of the negotiations that went into NAFTA. Republicans
have always been the biggest supporters of free trade agreements because they
increase business profits by facililtating lower labor costs. Trying to paint
NAFTA as an agreement forced upon the US by Democrats is simply not reality.
Most of the opponents of NAFTA were Democrats that opposed it on environmental
and/or union grounds.
But reality is never a big factor in politics.
Clinton was behind NAFTA 100%...
Would you care for me to find other articles in a similar vein?
Additionally, at the time Congress was controlled by the Democrats.
Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B