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February 29th 04, 11:51 PM
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What you need for your Icom IC-R5 is the "Portable Wire Antenna"
(PWA) that was created and written about by Tom Sevart [N2UHC].
Portable Wire Antenna "PWA" for 'portable' Shortwave Radios.
- - - To 'quote' Tom Sevant
"This is an antenna I put together after having problems
with overload on my Sony 2010 portable shortwave receiver"
Building the "Portable Wire Antenna" (PWA)
Three Ways to Use the "Portable Wire Antenna" (PWA)
REMEMBER: "The Shortwave Antenna is 55.5% of the . . .
Radio/Receiver and Antenna/Ground Reception Equation"
A Shortwave Antenna is "Equally" Important for Good Reception [.]
iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night...
You Can Hear Forever and beyond, The Beyond !
= = =
({FireArm}) wrote in message
= = = . com...
Hi im new to SWL, i recently bought a 10 section universal anteanna
(its about 1.35m long) for my Icom IC-R5 although im aware that the R5
isnt a dedicated shortwave reciver i have been picking things up from
india, russia, japan and im quite impressed with the results however
there are a few things that im not sure about.
Someone told me to get even better reception i should try to tie a
peice of copper wire around the top of my antenna and then run the
copper wire up around my window can anyone tell me if this is true?,
also i most commonly have been listening to "The Voice Of Russia World
Service" however i have found that when i try to listen in the day
time i cant pick it up also sometimes its changes frequency for
example the other day i was reciving on 6.160 AM, but then a few days
later it was 7.410 AM, can anyone tell me why this is? im located in
the north east of england if that helps.
All Help Greatly Appreciated
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