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Old March 1st 04, 02:45 PM
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? Is this Insulated Wire or bare wire that is wrapped around
the Copper Pipe ?

? Is this piece of Copper Pipe part of your household water
systems ?

NOTE: This Copper Pipe may be a good Grounding Point for
your Radio Equipment and Antennas.

FWIW: Sounds like you have a 12-14 Foot piece of Copper Pipe
for an Antenna.

[ Less Wire and Better Results ]

In general a Copper (Metal) Pipe would NOT make the best core
for a helically wound Antenna.

THE BETTER IDEA: Is to use a piece of 8Ft to 12Ft PVC Pipe
who's body is made of insulator type material and that has
an Air Core.

WHAT TO DO: Wind your Antenna Wire Element around this piece
of PVC Pipe to form your Helically Wound Vertical Antenna.

NOTE: This type of Helically Wound Vertical Antenna is
commonly called a "BroomStick" (BroomStik) Antenna and was
popularized by Arnie Coro the Host of DXers Unlimited on
Radio Habana de Cuba.

READ: Tri-Band "BroomStick" Antenna

READ: Concerning the BroomStick Antenna

BACKGROUND: "BroomStick" Antenna
I have found that an 8Ft piece of PVC Pipe wrapped with
One Long Continious Coil of Wire does NOT perform as well
as the same piece of 8Ft PVC Pipe that is wrapped with
Three (3) Coils of Wire with Spaces between them that are
made from one continious wire.

READ: Understanding the "BroomStick" Antenna and its Coil

IMPROVED: The "BroomStick" Antenna is acually a
"Short STACKED Vertical {Tri-Band} BroomStick Antenna".
NOTE: Some like to spell 'broomstick' "BroomStik".

READ: Tri-Band "BroomStick" Antenna

Materials Needed for Tri-Band "BroomStick" Antenna:
* PVC Pile = Eight Foot Length of 1.25" ID (1.5" OD)
* Insulated Stranded Wire = Forty Feet (40 Ft)
- RadioShack Catalog # 278-1218
- - Ninety Foot (90Ft) Spool of Stranded, 22 Gauge Wire.
- RadioShack Catalog # 278-1220
- - Fifty-Five Foot (55Ft) Spool of St4randed, 18 Gauge Wire.
* Black Electrical Tape = One Roll.
[Secure both Ends of the Coils with 4-5 Wraps of Electrical Tape.]
* Top Hat = "9-12" Pie Pan (Optional)

DESCRIPTION: Tri-Band "BroomStick" Antenna:
[ From Top ~ To Bottom ]
{Actual constructon is done bottom to top.}

* 'Optional' Mechanical "Nut-&-Bolt"
TOP-HAT Connection at 1" from the Top.

* Third Vertical Separator 9-10"

* Top Coil: 12 Turns @ 1/8" Spacing
- Surface Length of Coil 1.5"
(This Coil has 4.7 Feet of Wire Wound in it.)
Note: Use a 12" piece of Hook-Up Wire as a
Coil Spacer Sleeve to Form this Coil.

* Second Vertical Separator 16"

* Middle Coil: 24 Turns @ 1/4" Spacing
- Surface Length of Coil 6.0"
(This Coil has 9.4 Feet of Wire Wound in it.)
Note: Use a 12" piece of Zip Cord as a
Coil Spacer Sleeve to Form this Coil.

* First Vertical Separator 26"

* Bottom Coil: 48 Turns @ 1/2" Spacing
- Surface Length of Coil 24.0"
(This Coil has 18.8 Feet of Wire Wound in it.)
Note: Use a 12" piece of TV Twin Lead as a
Coil Spacer Sleeve to Form this Coil.

* Bottom Vertical Separator Stub 13"

* Mechanical "Nut-&-Bolt" Lead-In-Line
Connection at 1" from the Bottom.
REMEMBER: "The AM/MW Shortwave Antenna is 55.5% of the...
Radio/Receiver and Antenna/Ground Reception Equation"
A Shortwave Antenna is "Equally" Important for Good Reception [.]
iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night...
You Can Hear Forever and beyond, The Beyond !
= = = "DJboutit" wrote in message
= = = om...

I have a Realistic DX 160 shortwave reciver and have a question
about the antenna I am using with it, now I am using 15ft to
20ft of 16ga wired rapped around a 12ft to 14ft copper pipe is
that a good antenna to use with the reciver. If this is not a
good antenna what antenna should I use that I could buy or build
easily. Is the Broom Stick antenna any good and would it be a
better antenna than I am using now.
