I have one and use it daily (RX 320) and log quite a few stations with a
modest antenna, but the DX 398 and Grundig R350 are fun to use in another
way, so dont dedicate your listening to computer-drivem methods.
There is a thrill tune tune it in yourself with a KNOB instead of as mouse.
Both radios RX 320 and REAL radios seem to acquire signals with equal
facility here.
"DEE" wrote in message
I thought I had my mind all made up to purchase an Icom R75.
Then, a friend turned me on to PC controlled radios such as the
TenTec Rx-320D. Now I'm on the fence again. PC controlled seems
to offer a lot of bang for the buck. These two radios in particular
seem like comparitive values. I'd appreciate the groups input,
especially if you've acutally used the two modes.