I have been on the internet for about 7-8 years. Granted I made some people
mad, but enough is enough. I have been libeled, harrassed, unwated magazine
subscriptions, etc. I have been the target of constant harassment, even
during "dry periods" of where I don't post.
The point is, I'm tired of the games. I have been smeered on message boards
not even relating to Ham Radio. On one board, I posted ONE post to, and all
hell break loose from these folks.
I am going to begin resaeching any legal proceedings. I'm gonna find a
judegmet, or any kind of litigation, that would be in my favor. I know it may
take months and years, but I WILL get my justice. I'm so ****ed off.
Either you are for me, or against me.
Lloyd Davies - Time Lord and Talk show host
"On the Domestic Front"