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Old March 3rd 04, 11:31 AM
Mark Keith
Posts: n/a

"RP Jones" wrote in message ...
The aliens are coming to get us!

I was just walking with my dog on the City Island Bridge and this huge
boomerang shaped spaceship came over the bay, swooped down on with white
blinding bright lights.

How did you verify that this was a "spaceship"? Or do you mean to
include "ships" that utilize bernoulli'ssp? principals in order to
remain afloat? IE: airships...

Must have been 600 feet wide were 4X wider then
Orion in the south skies right now.

A 747 or B-52 makum heap big cloak in the sky if one flys over you at
1000 ft...

This thing made no sound; it then climbed up on a steep angle and turned

Maybe the wind was blowing the other direction? Maybe they had engine
failure at that moment? Maybe they just killed the engines, and said,
"hey, lets kill the engines and scare all those citizens below by
faking a UFO!".

At this time it gave off a slightly audible "stereo sounding" humming

Was this a dynamo hummmmm?

and noticed what looked like a V shaped tail reflecting the lights of the

This puzzles me. This implies that yes, bernoulli'ssp? principals
are involved in keeping this thing afloat...

My dog was barking,

Smart dog...

these 2 woman jogger's were in hysterics


I need a heart pill and feel nausea, I will read messages in the group.

You have suffered an extreme emotional distress. Take two AdvilŪ, and
listen to 5 mhz WWV for 30 minutes. "10 mhz is an acceptable generic
substitute". They both have the same mind numbing program schedule.

BTW, I *really* have seen UFO's also. But they weren't anywhere close
to me, they looked like flying bright stars, and they moved in any
direction, almost instantly, at VERY high speeds. Kinda like zip, zap,
zip. You could tell there was NO WAY these were common airships. I
never did find out what they were. I know I saw them though. Not once,
but twice in two separate occasions. Both times in Houston Tx in the
mid-late 70's, in the early evening, but before sunset, and both times
looking to the west towards the setting sun. I wasn't alone either,
and the other persons saw them too. Soooo, it's not like I totally dis
all UFO stories... MK