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Old March 3rd 04, 05:22 PM
Pastor Peter
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Default The anti-semite scene in "The Passion".

Here is what the ADL, Simon W. Center, JDL and other Jewish groups are upset
about. It's NOT the movie scenes of the sentencing of Jesus. It's the SERPENT
scene in the Garden of Gethsemane!

Christian Identity and British Israelism have LONG believed that the serpents
mentioned in The Bible are actually the Jews. They cite several examples, one of
which is when Jesus called the Pharasees a bunch of serpents. Because of this,
they feel the serpent in the Garden of Eden who is responsible for the downfall
of man....was "a Jew". (I know, it's a stretch.)

On the other hand, with any mention or visual regarding serpents, the
ADL/JDL/SWC have become SO paranoid, they have come to think it's a slap at
them! In fact, they have become SO paranoid as to think David Ickes...good
friend of Alex talking about Jews when he talks about the "reptile

No doubt the Jews think that the serpent in the Garden scene of Mel's movie is a
secret CI/BI message. And they think they have more proof of this because Mel's
dad doesn't believe six million Jews died in Europe. (They stretch that into
"holacaust deniel".) So Mel and his family must have been raised under Christian
Identity! BUT...the ADL/JDL/SWC can't say that or THEY look like a bunch of
kooks! Besides that, even if they DID say it, a bunch of people would go online
to learn more about CI/BI...and they SURE don't want that! (Contrary to popular
belief, the Jews HATE Christian Identity worse than any Arab or mainstream
Christian COMBINED!)

So the ADL/JDL/SWC go off in the direction of: "The movie is anti-Jewish because
they go back to the old story that the Jews killed Jesus!") You WILL NOT walk
away from that movie thinking that! THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY I could see why the
Jews would be upset is from their OWN paranoia about SERPANTS! But they CANNOT
bring that to the mainsteams attention or they look like utter fools!
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