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Old March 6th 04, 07:08 PM
Posts: n/a

I reading the specs on the 1102 and how the FM band is expanded. I was
wondering if the FM band on the 1102 receives TV stations being it goes
quite low....down to 70?
Most radios receive around 87-108 or so.
Corbin Ray wrote in message
I'm a big chicken when dealing with foreign companies. I really squirmed

first time I ordered radio from a foreign company.

It was 1998. I decided that I wanted to buy a Yupi MVT-7100 from a Finnish
company called Bandercom. $300 was (and still is) a lot of money for me,

I was scared to death that something was going to happen and I wouldn't

my scanner or my money back. It was extremely scary for a couple of weeks.

One thing that helped was that there was lots of good input about

at the Strong Signals site, and I figured that Bandercom must be legit.

the scanner arrived on time and worked perfectly, so I had a good

Last month, I decided that I wanted one of the 1102 radios that I

at the Radio Intelligencer site. The reviewer loved the radio, so I

doing a bunch of research. I found the Kaito version for $100 at Universal
Radio and for $90 at many other places. I found the Degen version for as

as $49 on eBay, but it would be from a Chinese seller.

Because I am so suspicious, I decided I would start asking questions. I
emailed Degen who confirmed the Kaito and Degen models are identical.

OK, the radios were identical. What about the seller. I checked Liypn's

feedback. Wow! 100% positive. 230 out of 230 left positive feedback. So I
emailed Liypn and asked a bunch of questions about the radio. Then I

a couple of people who had bought from him, asking them about their 1102s
and about Liypn. Nothing but positives all the way. So I made the big

I sent Liypn my $49 (plus shipping), and he sent me back a pretty cool
little radio. Yes, I was still concerned till it got here, but the package
arrived in perfect condition and I now feel completely at ease with doing
business with him.