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Old March 6th 04, 07:47 PM
Posts: n/a

If I were going to buy from a "broker," trans-shipping from China, (and felt
like dealing with the rip-off that is PayPal) then I would have chosen Liypn
as well. At the time you bought your radio, you didn't have the option to
buy for a realistic, discounted price from a bona-fide radio dealer.

Price being very close to equal (while it is on sale), and having had other
transactions with RadioLabs it's a no-brainer. If the radio arrives "sick"
all I've got to do is have them ship me another one out of their stock in
California while I return the other. Again, I'm glad it worked out for you,
and I'm not putting down Liypn. But I am saying that an actual radio
dealer, shipping actual American-market (no 220 adapter) radios from their
own stock is at the same price is vastly preferable to a guy telling
somebody in Shanghai to send you a radio after your PayPal transaction
finally goes through -- especially if something goes wrong. Paypal just
isn't the way to go when you can avoid it (see ).

Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited by law, objects are closer than
they may appear, etc.

-- Stinger

"Corbin Ray" wrote in message
I'm a big chicken when dealing with foreign companies. I really squirmed

first time I ordered radio from a foreign company.

It was 1998. I decided that I wanted to buy a Yupi MVT-7100 from a Finnish
company called Bandercom. $300 was (and still is) a lot of money for me,

I was scared to death that something was going to happen and I wouldn't

my scanner or my money back. It was extremely scary for a couple of weeks.

One thing that helped was that there was lots of good input about

at the Strong Signals site, and I figured that Bandercom must be legit.

the scanner arrived on time and worked perfectly, so I had a good

Last month, I decided that I wanted one of the 1102 radios that I

at the Radio Intelligencer site. The reviewer loved the radio, so I

doing a bunch of research. I found the Kaito version for $100 at Universal
Radio and for $90 at many other places. I found the Degen version for as

as $49 on eBay, but it would be from a Chinese seller.

Because I am so suspicious, I decided I would start asking questions. I
emailed Degen who confirmed the Kaito and Degen models are identical.

OK, the radios were identical. What about the seller. I checked Liypn's

feedback. Wow! 100% positive. 230 out of 230 left positive feedback. So I
emailed Liypn and asked a bunch of questions about the radio. Then I

a couple of people who had bought from him, asking them about their 1102s
and about Liypn. Nothing but positives all the way. So I made the big

I sent Liypn my $49 (plus shipping), and he sent me back a pretty cool
little radio. Yes, I was still concerned till it got here, but the package
arrived in perfect condition and I now feel completely at ease with doing
business with him.