Here's an article on it. It would be logical for him to want to be rid of
Bush, and hope for a Democrat to return to the ridiculous Clinton policy of
payoffs (while Jong-il pretends not to build nukes).
-- Stinger
North Korea warms to Kerry presidency bid
By Andrew Ward in Seoul and James Harding in Washington
Published: March 4 2004 20:24 | Last Updated: March 4 2004 20:24
North Korea's state-controlled media are well known for reverential
reporting about Kim Jong-il, the country's dictatorial leader.
But the Dear Leader is not the only one getting deferential treatment from
the communist state's propaganda machine: John Kerry, the presumptive
Democratic candidate, is also getting good play in Pyongyang.
In the past few weeks, speeches by the Massachusetts senator have been
broadcast on Radio Pyongyang and reported in glowing terms by the Korea
Central News Agency (KCNA), the official mouthpiece of Mr Kim's communist
The apparent enthusiasm for Mr Kerry may reflect little more than a "better
the devil you don't know" mentality among the North Korean apparatchiks.
Rather than dealing with President George W. Bush and hawkish officials in
his administration, Pyongyang seems to hope victory for the Democratic
candidate on November 2 would lead to a softening in US policy towards the
country's nuclear weapons programme
"Keith" -SPAM wrote in message
There was some right wing gal on Fox News(sic) Channel tonight claiming
that Radio Pyongyang was singing the praises of John Kerry everyday. Can
anyone confirm that this is occurring?
Best Regards, Keith NW Oregon Radio Page
Hobby Radio Group
AOL IM: kilowattradio