Try calling the power company -- here in No Calif they are very helpful.
Their reason is leaking power means lost power and they usually fix it -- if
it is coming from something under their control.
Have done this in several locations thruout the years and they were always
Incognito By Necessity (:-(
If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- - -Harry S Truman
"Brian" wrote in message
I've noticed interference, the huming/buzzing sort, pretty much throughout
the shortwave bands, being stronger in the lower bands and tapering off
around the higher ones. After walking around with my portable I tracked it
to the utility main where the power comes in from the lines. So, I moved
antenna to the opposite side of the house, but the noise is still there,
as strong, but there. However, when I strung the wire up perpendicular to
the direction the powerlines were coming in it was gone. The only problem
with that is I will have to run it parallel at some point to get it into
house. If anyone has any suggestions, please don't hesitate. For those who
will ask, I am using an Icom R75, somewhere between 70 and 100 feet of
antenna wire to a 9:1 matching unit, fed with coax and grounded. The
works beautifully where the interference is not present, but it's really
killing weaker signals on 120 meters coming from S. America and such.
for any help.