Next time -- get the call sign, check URL: for the
Send an SASE or SAE with postage -- with a Signal report date etc. Ask for
his/her station equipment
Most Ham contesters both in the USA and world wide will return a QSL card to
The contest was the ARRL International DX Contest. Rules and info at URL:
And you too can talk to the world -- see URL:
Incognito By Necessity (:-(
If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- - -Harry S Truman
"Dxluver" wrote in message
going on 1100UCT
7.091 LSB
QTH: Cincinnati,Oh.
Antenna: AD DX sloper
Receiver: DX398 &Hammarlund HQ 140X
**some guy is cleaning up, talking to Italy and Japan and some other
countries. Very nice sounding station, I wonder what he's running?