looking for can forces wx/air traffic with degen 1102
6604 khz
3485, 6604, 10051 and 13270
The Canadian Military broadcass weather on 15034 and 6754 USB
You were hearing Trenton Military (Ontario). This is a Canadian Forces
(CANFORCE) military station that broadcasts weather at 30 past the hour.
Other stations that use this frequency are St. John's Military,
Newfoundland, and Edmonton Military, Alberta. St. Johns is scheduled at
H+40, and Edmonton at H+20 for WX broadcasts. In between the WX broadcasts,
you may hear them working Canadian Air Force aircraft.
I'm located in southern Ontario, Canada. I have a brand new Degen 1102 on
the way..I can't weight until it comes. This is my first radio with ssb
functionality. I've already seen it in action against many other high priced
radios, and it sure can compair, if not excel against them.
I'm looking for frequencies for Canadian forces, weather and aircraft
traffic..if it's possible to follo these comms? Also coastguard activity
would be nice.
Any frequencies and/or help would be appreciated.