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Old March 9th 04, 04:20 AM
Ron G
Posts: n/a
Default computer problem, maybe a (transmitted) signal---I need your help on this one------

I have a problem with my computer, and I really need some expert help-----

Periodically, maybe every 30 minutes sometimes, or sometimes only 3 minutes
apart, the computer speakers produce a rogue--

dit-dita-dit-dit, dit-dit-dit-dit

Now I have run spybot, and anti-virus, and nothing shows up as a problem.

Sometimes it seems like there are variations in the sound level as compared
to the last time.
Almost like it is being transmitted, and if not aimed right, the power level
would be different each time.

I had it appear once when I had a 30 mhz portable phone by the computer, and
I was dialing.

This following part will sound paranoid, but you would have to meet my

There is a **real** screwy character who lives behind me, and I think he is
a school counseler. Could he have gotten such a device from some of his
students? Something that transmits a signal? I mean, this guy goes out of
his way **real** hard to be an absolute pri*k.
Sometimes, he is fiddling around by his patio door (facing toward my home),
when I hear it from my computer.

It just did it again while I was typing right now. This time it was much
louder than usual.

He even gets mad if I turn on my 40 watt light bulb above my printer, and
the light shines out my back window. He starts flashing his spotlights on
and off for 4 to 5 hours (aimed horizontal right at our house
windows)--Image, a 50 year old guy doing this until 1:45 AM. We have lived
here 39 years, they moved in 4 years ago, and raise hell at anything anyone
does. Even mean screwy spotlight games.

How can I find out if this is a virus, which may look into my private files,
or the **character** behind me who possibly has access to stuff that
students may dream up? I have a shortwave set, usual frequencies, to
possibly check for a transmission, but I would need to know what frequency,
if these things even exist at all.

The other thing is just simply a virus that has embedded for about 10 months

Anyone got any ideas?

I need to determine what I have, if it is a virus that could disclose my
file information, or if its just the stupid idiot behind me.
Anyone ever heard of this? Is there a newsgroup that I should address this
It's been there for about 9 months, No one has had a problem with anything
"attached "to any post I have ever sent.

I wonder if it is transmitted through the air? (by my neighbor?)

Anyone got any ideas?

Please, no ufo or martian stuff-----I really need help on this one----

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