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Old March 10th 04, 11:36 PM
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elg110254 wrote:

Hey T.K., that American River Bike Trail is a hell-zone for portable radios,
especially between Watt Avenue-n-Hazel Avenue! Those transmitters up on El
Dorado Hills seem to spit down harmonic spurs which disrupt reception of U.C.
Davis' KDVS on 90.3 mhz and Nevada City's KVMR on 89.5mhz! Even before KNCO
moved co-channel on 94.1mhz, KPFA was usually static laden! Amazing too how
Radio Canada or Radio Netherlands will get buzzed-out in certain zones, even
with no nearby overhead wiring! Same-same trying to listen to KNBR 680khz or
Ticket 1050! Heck, even Hot Talk 1140 has fade-out zones, incredulous as that
may seem! Hopefully the public will put up a fuss and force the County to find
funding for this natural resource(like from that uncashed $28 million Lotto
ticket perhaps, or have da pols already spent that unexpected largess?)!
Thought Dub Shrub's tax cuts were supposed to have stimulated our economy by
now! Mayhap our Gropenfuehrer, with his love of all efforts physical, will
bequeath a few sheckles from his extensive campaign fund-raisers!

I know that even when I lived downtown that KDVS was hard to get. I
think they have one of those "Class D" transmitters that only puts out a
couple kw, just enough to cover the city of Davis. As for dead spots,
they're all over in seemingly random places.

Yeah, Shrub's tax cuts have stimulated the economy-if you're a corporate
CEO paying yourself a billion dollars a year who can take advantage of