"WG" wrote in message news:MjC3c.188313$Hy3.62034@edtnps89...
SSB is more fun then hunting the AM broadcast stations. The ham bands are 80
meters from 3.500 MHz to 4.000 MHz LSB, 40 meters from 7.000 to 7.300 LSB,
30 meters from 10.100 MHz to 10.150 MHz CW and data, 20 meters from 14.000
to 14.350 USB, 17 meters from 18.068 to 18.168 USB, 15 meters from 21.000 to
21.450 USB, 12 meters from 24.890 to 24.990 USB and 10 meters from 28.000 to
29.700 USB.
What? We 160m "1.800-2.000" op's get left out? Sad...