March 12th 04, 07:49 AM
In this case the Both of You are... Two Much  )
to, Too. TWO ! - Say the Least ~ RHF
= = = ocom (Michael Bryant) wrote in message
= = = ...
From: N8KDV
Here's a tip for ya Brian... you want to be a good dx'er? If the answer is
yes, then don't spend to much time here.
Since you seem to think anyone that makes a typing or spelling mistake is such
a gigantic retard, I thought I'd point out that 'to much' really ought to be
'too much.'
What a friggin' idiot retardo.... ;-)
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
(remove "nojunk" to reply)