Noise reduction (another view on "grounds")
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March 13th 04, 01:27 AM
Posts: n/a
(Larry W4CSC) wrote in message ...
On 11 Mar 2004 15:11:15 -0800,
(Terry) wrote:
There has been, and will always be hot debates over the best and or
way to ground an radio and antenna system.
While I do not have enough room for a beverage, the "isolation"
from this web page helped knock the local QRM down to make listening
much more enjoyable. I have my isolation transformer mounted outside
"radio" room. I did not use the resistive matching pads.
If you'd like to experiment with REALLY low-noise antenna systems,
might I suggest you build a simple receiving loop for the desired band
or bands you wish to listen to. A good receiving loop antenna will
blow the doors off a longwire. Here are a few articles and some
experience to help you get started. Even someone in an apartment can
have super receiving antennas!
(If you use hula hoops, buy your own, not use your kids')
Just like the loop antenna in your AM table radios, you can NULL OUT
that damned insulator down the street or your neighbor's livingroom
lamp dimmers with a loop....(c;
Larry W4CSC
POWER is our friend!
The only problem with all of the loops that I am familiar with is the
need to tune the loop for the frequency of interest. Since I listen
from below 200KHz to 20MHz, it is difficult to do this with commonly
available parts. The advantage of a "long" wire antenna is the wide
frequency range with no tunning.
I have a VLF loop for listening to "whistlers" and other ELF events.
And a McKay Dymek loop for MW. Perhaps someday I will be able to
affoard to build a remote loop, that covers the 3 decades from 100KHZ
trrhough 20MHz.
I have dreamed of a remote loop, with servos to allow it to be rotated
and tilted from the radio position. It is clearly "do-able", but not
by me.
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