My DSL cost $29.95 each at both ends. The dialup at Earthlink will cost
$19.95 and they gave me a free month.
It my take a month or two for me to get all my stuff setup at Verizon.
Diverd4777 wrote:
I've tried several " bargain" ISP's and found Joi Internet the best Dial Up so
Just got " Cheap" DSL, from a local vendor,
No problems.. So far!
In article , Burr
Earthlink goes to "India"
What a mess, I just pulled my DSL out and will pull the dialup out as
soon as I have everything changed, may take a month or so.
After being with Earthlink from day one when Sky built it too today it
is time to move on.
Been off the newsgroups for a few days while I got thing changed around
and I was also working hard.
So, did Steve and Mike hell each other with words yet?