" Many folks use a marine battery and a trickle charger. This not only
them plenty of power for the shack, but it keeps them on the air when the
lights go out. You need to take care about ventilation and battery
but I don't know anyone who has done this and ever thought about going to
commercial supply. I'm pretty happy with my Astron, but when the lights
out, I'm limited to my HT.
A marine battery is fine ,simple and reliable . However if 'trickle charger
' is really a trickle charger ,when operating on FM (with full carrier) the
voltage when battery was fully charged might drop from say 13.8 to 12.8 V
,with battery still being 80 % charged. This means the power input and hence
RF ouput will probably be less than the transceiver's rated power
..............although that probably won't matter much signal wise.
If the transceiver is multimode and when operated on SSB ,the average
current on transmit will be lower resulting in an average output voltage
much closer to 13.8 Volt., even when using a trickle charger.
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH