starman wrote:
Harris wrote:
Bill Hansen wrote:
I have 90 feet of NEW 19 strand 1/4" OD all copper antenna wire listed on eBay.
Click here to see a picture of it:
Thanks, I got a good chuckle out of that!
Art N2AH
It looks like common electrical grounding wire, which means it's not
made for being under tension as an antenna wire. It was probably left
over from a home wiring project.
Well it's good heavy wire, although plain copper like this will
stretch under tension. Definitely overkill for an SWL. But what was
particularly amusing was the claim that the somewhat larger surface
area would capture more signal. Wrong!
Capture area is one of the more misunderstood things among hams/swls.
Did you know that an 80 meter dipole (approx 135 feet long) made of
thin wire has a capture area of over 8,000 square feet at its resonant
frequency? It's true!
Art N2AH