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Old March 14th 04, 08:25 PM
Frank Dresser
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Default BBC: Arrests in Spain

"Stinger" wrote in message
. ..

"Frank Dresser" wrote in message

"tommyknocker" wrote in message

I'll be honest with you all because I've given up caring what

think. I don't think we can win the war on terror. I think the
terrorists will win, civilization will collapse, and we'll all go

to living in the dark ages-forever. Personally, I'd rather be dead

alive and living under the Taliban.

Let's not forget who started this war, and where it started. It was
started by fanatical Muslim elitists who were afraid that

was the root of all evil. These were the guys who were barring the
doors of movie theaters while a Hollywood movie was showing, pouring
gasoline down the vents -- then incenerating all the people inside.
Well, the internal terror campaign wasn't working well enough, fast
enough. They couldn't wipe out Westernization in the Islamic world,

rather than admit defeat, they took the attacks to the West.

These guys are at war with independant thought. They can't squelch

at home, and they certainly can't squelch it in the West. Let's

more and more Muslim kids, especially girls, learn to read and

And let's hope they are exposed to all sorts of conflicting ideas,

as we in the West are. Those kids will figure out Sturgeon's Law.

And they will find that Sturgeon's Law applies to their leaders,

just as
it does in the West.

Frank Dresser

Well said, Frank!

-- Stinger

I've been wondering why the terrorists haven't boldly, unequivocally
taken responsibility for the bombings. I mean, shouldn't the Spainards
and the rest of the Western countries know who to fear? Al-Qeada? ETA?
Somebody else? It seems likely the terrorist leaders fear leaving any
clues which will get themselves hunted down and killed. The easy
speculation is that the terrorist leaders simply fear death. Or maybe
they look around their tiny bands of cut-throat losers and realize
there's nobody with the orginizational and inspirational abilities, and
yes -- education, to replace themselves. I'll be more worried when
Osama Bin-Laden and the other terrorists start taunting us publicly as
if they're a bunch of movie villians. I'll take that as a sign that
there's a new generation of elite thugs are ready to go.

The terrorists may not be strong enough to show their faces, but they
can kill and they can cause economic damage. But how much? Can they
inflict the sort of death and damage that was done to England, Germany,
the Soviet Union and Japan during WW2? Absoluely not. And the countries
of WW2 kept producing -- producing -- producing.

The terrorists are in a weak position, and I think those terrorists see
their weak position better than we do. The force of their logic and
arguement is too weak to keep their fellow Muslims out of movie
theaters, so they pour gasoline in and light them afire. Their terror
attacks on us are far more feeble than the attacks we inflicted on
ourselves sixty years ago, and terrorists seem fearful of showing their
faces after their attacks.

Frank Dresser