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Old March 16th 04, 04:08 AM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

Allodoxaphobia ) writes:
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 22:18:35 GMT, G. Skiffington hath writ:
Thanks for your reply Jonesy.....I just took a look (have it apart on my
bench) and there is no diagram inside - Good idea though; remember when
many radio's (and indeed other electrical equipment of all kinds) had
the diagram with them in the manner you described - Thats when
manufacturers were proud of their products

I can remember some palm-sized RS gadget (a WX Rcvr perhaps...) that
had it's schematic glued to the inside of the 9V battery cover!
It took a microscope to read it -- but, it was clear and complete.


I haven't seen schematics inside stuff for a long time.

On the other hand, I've had things from Radio Shack here in Canada as
recently as ten or so years ago that had a schematic inside the manual.
I've tapered off buying new things in recent years, so I'm not
sure if they still do that. The "atomic clock" I bought last month
from Radio Shack did not have the schematic inside.

On the other hand, I once spent quite a bit on a service manual
for a Radio Shack computer because I wanted to know details of
some of it's hardware. They could have/should have put those
few details in the already large manual that came with the computer,
but they didn't so I had to spend at least $40 for what amount
to a couple of pages of information. In the long run, it's probably
worth having the service manual, but it annoyed me that I had to
spend the extra money for a bit of detail that a lot more people
might be interested in than the service information.
