Larry Ozarow wrote:
Far from "telling it all," Genesis 19 is pretty
darn cryptic about what it was that the
Sodom'n'Gomorrahites were flattened for.
It's apparent they wanted to commit homosexual rape
against the two angels, but probably any society that
would gang-rape two innocent wayfarers as a matter of
course would be subject to pretty extreme disapproval,
regardless of the sex of the victims. Seems to me that
Lot's offering his two daughters up as alternatives is
pretty unnatural in its own right, don't you think?
Defining Sodom and Gemorrah's "iniquity" as homosexuality
didn't occur until medieval times.
This is way off topic (or maybe not), but the best scholarly opinion
I've heard as to what the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was is that it
was...inhospitality. To us, that doesn't seem like something worth
destroying whole cities over, but to the ancient Israelites, who lived
under the threat of being carried off to slavery at any time, the hatred
their enemies showed them was certainly worthy of G-d's wrath. By the
way, Lot's wife wasn't literally turned to salt-she was made barren
(unable to bear children), which is what "turned to salt" meant in
ancient Hebrew. It's kinda funny how old Aramaic figures of speech in
the Bible get taken literally by people like Al Patrick. It's like the
woman from a foreign country who while traveling in America was told
that it was "raining cats and dogs" and she rushed outside in a panic to
save the falling animals from being cracked open on the concrete.
Al Patrick wrote:
Oh, Eventually they will be enforced extra territorially, by the U.N.
They seem to support everything else that God hates.
Before they prosecute Pastor Pete Peters, however, I suspect they'd
really like to prosecute God, or His Son Jesus Christ, for the urban
renewal program which took place at Sodom and Gomorrah.
Genesis 19:24, 25, "Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone
and fire from the Lord out of heaven, and He overthrew those cities and
all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on
the ground." (NASB)
Ever wonder why they call homosexuality "Sodomy" ? Genesis 19 pretty
well tells it all. Seems our "judges" and politicians of today are
trying to see if God can give a repeat performance. I'm betting He is
very well able -- and just may prove it! :-)