Thread: SW Antenna
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Old March 19th 04, 08:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Angelo Sartore wrote:

Hi there,
This topic, I'm sure has been covered before. My brother-in-law is about to
take a long sailing trip from NZ to USA as a passenger aboard a cargo ship.
He will be taking with him a Grundig YB 400 receiver. He had heard of other
sailors/passengers dangling an antenna out of their port hole window to tune
into radio stations on their SW receivers. He has asked me if I could make
something up for him to take away with him. The unit has a 3.5mm mono jack
as the ext. ant connector. The radio has a small reel of cable for the
external antenna. According to the user manual with the radio it indicates
coaxial cable as part of the antenna system with out mentioning cable
lengths. The tuning freq possible with this radio are FM 87.5 - 108 MHz, MW
520 - 1710 kHz, LW 144 - 353 kHz, SW 1711 - 30000 kHz & 3200 - 29700 kHz in
20 bands.
Any ideas for a portable antenna would be gratefully appreciated.


Angelo Sartore

I would be tempted to fly a small helium balloon from the port hole or
deck with at least 20-ft of fine wire. Connect the wire to the whip and
I bet you would get some neat reception. Might be a good idea to ask
permission first. :-)

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