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  #8   Report Post  
Old March 19th 04, 10:55 AM
Posts: n/a

My radio is plugged into the non-backup part of the UPS for my PC,
which "conditions" the power supply. It seems to eliminate some SW
interference vs a regular outlet, but I'd be interested in what the
experienced SWer's think.

Hey LJ,
I'll add (if no one else has said it yet) myself on many of my

You might want to consider going with rechargeable batteries, it'll totally
eliminate any hum or problems with any wal warts. Get you a battery charger
that holds at least four batteries and get you some nickel cadmium or the newer
kind, it;ll pay off itself VERY quickly.

Plus it's good for your dxing. ;-)

~*~*Monitoring The AirWaves~*~
*****GO BEARCATS*****
Hammarlund HQ129X /Heathkit Q Multiplier
Hammarlund HQ140X
Multiple GE P-780's(GREAT BCB Radios)
RCA Victor *Strato- World*
RCA Victor RJC77W-K(Walnut Grain)
1942 Zenith Wane Magnet 6G 601M
Cathedral/ Ross#2311/RhapsodyMultiBand
OMGS Transistor Eight/Realistic 12-1451
Henry Kloss Model One/Bell+Howell