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Old March 20th 04, 05:14 AM
Melvin Creep
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Default Help the Animals

As official spokesman for the shortwave newsgroup family I am sharing
a recent letter received from People For The Ethical Treatment of
Animals. Undoubtely the majority of shortwave listeners are
compassionate individuals who empathize with the plight defenseless
animals face everyday. Never forget that they are creations of God
just as you are.

Dear Activist,

Please allow me to introduce myself: I’m Stephanie, PETA’s
activist liaison. My goal is to help make your work for animals as
easy as possible. By now, you should have received your Activist
Welcome Pack containing valuable information to help you in your work
for animals. If you haven’t received it, please let me know, and
I will send another one out right away.

I hope that you’ll take advantage of all the assistance we offer
to our activists. We are happy to send posters, leaflets, stickers,
and videos for a nominal fee (or for free if you are truly unable to
afford them). We have experts who can advise you on a host of
issues—from working on a ban on animal circuses to lobbying for
vegan food in your cafeteria to humane “pest” control.

We currently have many campaigns with which we’d love to have
your help. For instance, we ask that you “adopt” a KFC
restaurant as part of an international push to persuade the fast-food
giant to improve the hideous living and dying conditions endured by
the millions of birds eaten in KFC’s restaurants. Visit for information.

If you are interested in helping us stop cruel experiments on animals,
the Iams Campaign is for you! You can write a letter to Iams, asking
the company to end its cruel testing on dogs and cats in laboratories;
pass out Iams Campaign leaflets at your dog park, in front of a pet
supply store, or on a busy corner; or visit your local shelter or
pet-supply stores and ask that they stop doing business with Iams.
Visit to learn more about the campaign and what you
can do to help.

Similarly, if there is a PETCO store in your area, please consider
holding an informational protest to let shoppers know how the pet
store “cares for” sick and dying animals. See for information, or check out for the
lowdown on all our campaigns. I also encourage you to refer to
PETA’s “Guide to Becoming an Activist” at for tips on tabling, making
posters, organizing demos, and other useful information that all
activists should know. I can even mail you a hard copy of the guide if
you’d prefer.

Without the work of our dedicated activists, PETA could never do as
much to help animals, so welcome aboard! We hope to hear from you


Stephanie Corrigan, Activist Liaison