On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 03:57:22 GMT, "Patt" wrote:
Someone gave me an older stereo receiver, which is a Nikko 6065. The am
plays fine, however the fm does not play at all. There is a black plastic
tube on the back of the set, but moving that does not help. There are some
antenna screws at the back of the set but no wires on them. Could you help
me. Thanks.
The black plastic tube is the AM antenna, they often swivel around a
bit so you can adjust it's position for best reception. Sounds like
there is no FM antenna. You can buy an FM antenna easily, what you
are looking for is made of 300 ohm twinlead and is a dipole (actually
what is called a folded dipole) and can be found at Radio Shack,
sometimes at Target or Lowe's and I've even seen them at the 99-cent
store. The Radio Shack part number is 42-2385 and will set you back
about $5 (depending on your sales tax). Connect the antenna to the
screw terminals & hopefully that will solve the problem.
If you have extra speaker cable laying around I suggest you take about
6 or 7 feet of it and separate the wires on one end for about inches
then strip about 1/2 inch of insulation and connect one lead to each
screw terminal: at the other end separate the wires for about 38 - 40
inches and tack or tape them to the wall. You are looking for the
finished product to look like a 'T' with top being about 4-1/2 feet or
so. I've found little difference in performance between the homebrew
dipole antenna I've described and the commerical dipole and if you
have the wire laying around it lets you know fast and cheap if lack of
antenna is what the problem is.
Good luck,