BCcubed wrote:
Hello all,
I have been listening for about 9 months now and finally I am starting to feel
comfortable in my knowledge of shortwave and the propagation of international
broadcasts. I use a portable receiver but now want to move to the next level
with a good radio and an active SW antenna. My question is Where can I go to
trade up to a better radio? Are there sites where SWL's have swap type setups?
Can anyone give me advice about getting a used Drake, Kenwood, Yaesu, Icom,
Ten-Tec?? The new radios are nice but 1500$ is a bit too steep at this point.
Ebay will have the best selection of used shortwave receivers but not
necessarily the best prices. You will occasionally see a receiver for
sale on this group. I payed $950 for a three year old R8B which was
posted here. I was lucky to be the first to see it. Have you considered
the Grundig Satellit-800? You can get a factory (Drake) reconditioned
one for about $400. I suggest you monitor the following newsgroup for
used receivers in addition to Ebay.
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