Brian Hill wrote:
"N8KDV" wrote in message
Jim wrote:
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 13:45:31 -0500, N8KDV
Will the so-called Palestinian Yassir Arafat be next in Israel's
We can only hope.
Personally, I think Israel is missing a golden opportunity right now.
They should launch a few rockets into the stadium where the "funeral"
for the slain "great spiritual leader" is being held. They could
take out all of the current leadership, plus a few thousand mindless
followers in one stroke. The rockets should be a mixture of TNT and
pig's blood, so the survivors will have something to think about.
Hot dogs?
You would think? The dummies would all get tired of fighting. Its a mass
catch 22 over there. On and on and on etc....That's why the bomb was dropped
in WWII. Sometimes there's no reasoning with the enemy. Sooner or later
somebody has to go down hard. I'm sure Arafat
is nervous that his days are numbered.
Tired of fighting? Hardly... see this recent cartoon..