A few things killed CB one of them was the fact that they were placed in a
short-wave band and when the conditions are right 4 watts on that band can
go World Wide. In 1976 the "skip" cycle was at its lowest point and that was
the height of CBs popularity. By the early 80s the cycle was at its height
and the radio wouldn't work more then a 1/2 mile during the day. The next
thing was the amount of profanity from people that thought that they were
anonymous. You couldn't have the radio on with your family in ear shot. Just
take a look at rec.radio.cb loaded with fights and profanity. The next thing
that helped to kill of CB was the removal of the license and dumbing down of
the ham license in the early 90s. Many of the devoted CBers moved to 2
meters this included truck drivers. With the move of children's radio to 49
MHz and then to FRS that took away the entry door to CB. Cell-phone finished
the job by removing the only practical use for CB and that was reporting
emergencies. I work as a Shipper Receiver and all of the truckers that I
talk to say that they don't use the CB because of the noise and like one
said, "no intelligent life on that one". They call us on the cell for a door
assignment or to let us know when they are going to be late for the
appointments. Many of them are also using commercial VHF for truck to truck
communications. It is a dead band and will get even worse if code is removed
from the ham license.
"RJ" wrote in message

I can remember a period in the 70's
when CB radio was really popular.
Whatever happened to CB ?
As a tool ? ... as a hobby ?
Is this just a trucker thing now ?
Do truckers even use CB for communication ?
Just curious