Thread: CB ??
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Old March 27th 04, 05:12 AM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"RJ" wrote in message
news | I can remember a period in the 70's
| when CB radio was really popular.
| Whatever happened to CB ?
| As a tool ? ... as a hobby ?
| Is this just a trucker thing now ?
| Do truckers even use CB for communication ?
| Just curious
| rj

I'm an amateur radio operator (actually, going to test to upgrade my
license on Saturday), and I personally find CB more useful than 2 meters
(VHF frequencies hams use) when I'm on the road, or completely lost.
Here in the Twin Cities, CB is still very much used, and it's a lovely
way to enhance your vocabulary! Last thing I heard, the CB manufacturers
were selling around 3 million units a year (I think that was 2001 numbers).


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota